Why object to cops and security personnel using facial recognition technology?
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Facial Recognition: A Valuable Tool For Law Enforcement Sun, 10/17/2010 - 7:36pm by Eric Hess Facial recognition can be a valuable identification tool when fingerprint identification is unavailable or impracticable. Facial recognition can be a valuable identification tool for law enforcement.Just like automated fingerprint identification, facial recognition can provide law enforcement agencies with a valuable tool for multiple public safety applications. Whie fingerprints assure higher rates of accuracy than face recognition can, facial recognition provides benefits when fingerprint data does not exist, is not easily shared between agencies, or when multiple independent verification methods are desired. Additional applications include identity verification in the field and intelligence gathering, as well as crime prevention and investigation … for more, go to https://www.forensicmag.com/article/2010/10/facial-recognition-valuable-tool-law-enforcement |
Why object to cops and security personnel using facial recognition technology?
Police in China are using facial recognition technology high-tech sunglasses to identify suspects in crowded public areas.
However, human rights groups are raising concerns with the use of such technology.
“I do not see anything wrong with it. In fact, our Police di-Raja Malaysia (PDRM) should look into the use of the technology,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said.
He said given the growing terrorist threat in Malaysia, the use of facial recognition technology would enhance police security efficiency.
“Terrorists, drug smugglers and criminals resort to the use of false travel documents to gain entry into countries. They also target crowded public places to make their strike.
“The technology will surely help our security personnel to identify suspects and criminals faster and more efficiently,” he added.
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Surveillance Enhanced Security threats are a growing concern at international and national levels, as well as within commercial organizations. With the threats to international borders, governments are ordering reviews of their security arrangements at airports, seaports and public transportation hubs. Law enforcement agencies are also charged with identifying wanted individuals in public places. In addition, security and facilities managers need to keep known undesirables and unknowns off their premises, as well as identifying returning VIPs to a facility. NEC’s NeoFace Watch solution is specifically designed to integrate with existing surveillance systems by extracting faces in real time from existing video surveillance systems and matching against a watch list of individuals. When the system identifies an individual of interest from the watch list, it raises an alert, so appropriate actions can be taken rapidly to reduce the risk of public safety threats. Independent testing confirms that NEC’s NeoFace technology provides the fastest, most accurate matching capability and is the most resistant to variants in ageing, race and pose angle. Protecting Your Community … for more, go to http://www.nec.com/en/global/solutions/safety/face_recognition/NeoFaceWatch.html |

Syed Razak, who is Gerakan’s nominee to contest N.37 Bukit Lanjan in the coming 14th General Election (GE14), said: “I really cannot find any valid why we should object to the police and security personnel to use the technology in their work.
“Why should we be afraid of the technology? Why do we want to hide our identity if we have done no wrong?” he asked.
"China cops use high-tech glasses to nab suspects
Updated 22 minutes ago · Published on 7 Feb 2018 8:30PM

China's privacy laws are comparatively lax because Chinese are used to having their pictures, fingerprints and other personal details taken. – EPA pic, February 7, 2018.
CHINESE police are sporting high-tech sunglasses that can spot suspects in a crowded train station, the newest use of facial recognition technology that has drawn concerns among human rights groups.
In a scene reminiscent of the dystopian sci-fi television show Black Mirror, officers in the central city of Zhengzhou are wearing the digital shades amid the crush of travellers heading home during Chinese New Year, the busiest time for the country's transit system.
So far, the technology has allowed police to nab seven suspects accused of crimes ranging from human trafficking to hit and runs, as well as another 26 people using fake IDs, according to the state-owned People's Daily, quoting the city's police department.
The system is part of China's efforts to build a digital surveillance system able to use a variety of biometric data, from photos and iris scans to fingerprints, to keep close tabs on the movements of the entire population.
The rapid development of the technology has triggered a demand for commercial applications of the technology as well, with gyms, restaurants, and even public toilets getting in on the facial recognition game.
The special glasses are being used by four officers positioned at the entrances to Zhengzhou's east station, according to the People's Daily.
The glasses have a camera connected to a smartphone-like device that allows the officers to take mugshots of suspicious individuals and compare them to a database back at headquarters.
The app brings up the suspect's vital information, including name, ethnicity, gender, and address.
It also tells officers whether the possible perps are on the run from the law, the address of the hotel where they are staying and information related to their internet usage.
Experts say China is racing ahead of Western countries in deploying facial scanners owing to its comparatively lax privacy laws and because Chinese are used to having their pictures, fingerprints and other personal details taken.
Banks are beginning to use facial recognition instead of cards at cash machines while the travel and leisure industry also sees opportunities – China Southern Airlines this year began doing away with boarding passes in favour of the scheme.
But the programmes have drawn fierce criticism from human rights organisations and privacy advocates, who are concerned by their potential for abuse. – AFP, February 7, 2018./TMI"
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