Uphold and treasure national harmony and unity for Malaysia’s socio-economic progress

Uphold and treasure national harmony and unity for Malaysia’s socio-economic progress

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin to Malaysians.

As we, Malaysian Muslims, start celebrating a safe month-long Ramadhan fast with open houses, it is time to renew our pledge to uphold Islam as a religion of peace and tolerance.

Islam has been tarnished globally by extremists and terrorists who have resorted to violence and murder in the name of our religion.

“This is absolutely not right in the eyes of the Almighty. They are the minority Muslims and we pray that they remain so (minority), if not wiped out.

“As far as Malaysians are concerned, the majority remains steadfast to upholding and treasuring national harmony and unity to ensure Malaysia’s socio-economic progress,” Gerakan Deputy Speaker Syed Abdul Razak Alsagoff said.

Syed Razak, who is Gerakan’s nominee to contest N.37 Bukit Lanjan in the coming 14th General Election (GE14), urges Malaysians to unreservedly reject extremism and terrorism.

He called on Malaysians to strenuously help forge and consolidate community harmony and unity via programmes and projects aimed at ensuring a harmonious multi-racial multi-religious Malaysia.


Here are pictures of locations where Syed Razak personally strung up banners in Bukit Lanjan with the help of an aide to wish Malaysians SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL FITRI:

Next to BHP petrol kiosk Desa Jaya

(Kepong Komuter Sentral entrance Desa Jaya side
Sri Damansara Industrial traffic lights junction

Alliance Bank Sri Damansara junction

Sri Damansara Industrial traffic lights junction

Kepong Komuter entrance
Opposite Desa Jaya BHP petrol kiosk
Damansara Damai mosque's main entrance next to Petronas

Damansara Damai traffic lights in front of SK Damansara Damai

Traffic lights from Prsiaran Meranti

Traffic lights from Prsiaran Meranti

Main entrance to Bandar Sri Damansara from LDP

Next to RHB Bank Bandar Sri Damansara

Bandar Sri Damansara traffic lights junction

Bandar Sri Damansara towards LDP

Junction from Ativo

From Bandar Sri Damansara towards Jalan Kuala Selangor

Bandar Sri Damansara main entrance from Jalan Selangor

From Bandar Sri Damansara towards Kuala Selangor

Next to RHB Bank Bandar Sri Damansara

Damansara Damai

Damansara Damai traffic lights



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